Monday, 18 November 2013

Life with Twins Part 1 - Strangers

The first thing we noticed when we had the boys is that complete strangers stop you in the street to ask you about your children, ask you about the birth ***hello lady in Costco who stopped me to ask what kind of birth I had (!) ***, or just comment on what a hard time you must have with twins (which for the record is hard but rewarding in different ways than having a single child.... I will blog about that another day). 

It's a strange thing, especially as I had lived in London a long time and had only ever been stopped before to get asked for money, or for directions. 

Now, don't get me wrong, I LOVE talking about my children (I think every mum does) and I really don't mind being asked these questions if I am getting to know someone (ie at a toddler group or something), however it is a bit tiring to be stopped by complete strangers every time you leave the house. 

So what's it like in Germany then? Well I still get stopped, the only difference is I can't understand what they are saying a lot of the time, so I just smile and walk on!  It is a lot easier, which makes me think it was less about the being stopped and more about the questions that I was asked. 

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